Jeff Conner

Jeff Conner

How To Build And Maintain Your Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is closely connected to autonomy and those that lose independence may feel it impacts their own level of confidence. Everyone suffers from self-esteem issues at some point, but it is those that can implement strategies and regain their confidence…

Achieving Heart Health With Limited Mobility

It is possible and quite integral to maintain heart health, regardless of age and physical conditioning. If you live with limited mobility, it may seem impossible to complete cardio or other heart-healthy exercises safely and effectively. The truth is, there…

Eye Health and Mobility: What You Should Know

Eye health is connected to holistic health, including your mobility. Poor vision can lead to debilitating falls and injuries that are difficult to bounce back from especially for seniors. Furthermore, if you live with both physical limitations, like mobility issues…

Mobility Aids for a Safer Bathroom

It is estimated that each year, around one-third of seniors over the age of 65 slip and fall- and 80% of those falls are in the bathroom! Bathrooms are home to slick and slippery surfaces which can present hazards, especially…

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